Hello friends,


In Starting part I want to introduce myself, and how I came into the Steno World. 


Maybe you ought to have seen many people who say I started my journey differently. But, my journey was not like for other people I see a future for a Long Period, not for the Short Term, and also imagine the future and how I can improve myself day by day.


I started my journey after marriage with my husband's support. He encouraged me on how I can build my career in stenography and how to make a blog and give you my secret trick to help you all.  In the starting days, it was very boring but when ahead in the study that it became very interesting and Enjoyable.


I will give you new tips and new ideas, new topics to make your study Interesting and entertaining.


When you want to learn something, you will give your best.



Stenography is also known as steno and phonography. It is rapid writing has used is based on the sound of words.


This language has been used in Greek and Roman times in English.

It was Sir Isaac Pitman who revolutionized shorthand with the innovation of the phonographic method. Shorthand was developed to record words more quickly than using longhand, whether a person’s thoughts or what others were saying.

We can only write stenography in English this language is used in legislative, private sector and courts, companies, etc.


Firstly we will learn about exercise consonants and vowels. Sounds are important in it. 


If you will not listen to words properly you cannot write correct stenography. For an example of consonant: - jay, gay they have a different sounds and also a different signs of stenography.


For an example of vowel: - tub, the tube has a different sound but in steno has the same stenography sign because ‘e’ will be silent.


An explanation on one point however is desirable. In the study of shorthand, it should be borne in mind that although the system is phonetic.


It's not designed to represent or record minute shades of pronunciation.


36 broad typical sounds of the English language and assigns to each a definite sign.


Stenographic is ample in our blog you can make yourself and improve by our blog.




The presence of r has a modifying effect upon a preceding vowel. Therefore, the student's attention is directed to the following observations concerning the consonant r, to certain vowels when preceding r, and to a class of vowels that may be described as more or less obscure.


For students, it's very important to should remember that he is learning to write by sound and pronunciation is very important in it.


We need to use steno typist notes, pen, and pencil. But first, we will use a pencil in starting part. 


Because in that we will write light and dark vowels or consonant signs.


In practice time the wrist must not be allowed to rest upon the notebook or desk.


The writer should sit in front of his work and should name the paper or notebook parallel with the edge of the desk or table.


The paper should be with a fairly smooth surface.


A secret of success in stenography is practice. Which you will read on this post you have to follow daily and do hard work until will not freedom or accuracy upon it


It should be pointed out that satisfactory progress in acquiring the art of shorthand will only be made if a certain portion of time is regularly devoted to the study every day.


Study at irregular intervals of time is of little value. But an hour or a longer period devoted daily to the task will give the student knowledge of the system in a comparatively short time. At starting time speed will be low but after that, you have to improve your speed.  Because speed is very important in it.


I request you please read the full pages and post. I will give you exercises for practice and you will follow the instruction and study on daily basis. I will take the responsibility to give you my best. 


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