
How stenography test is conducted?

  Stenography jobs conduct in the different-2 fields in ONGC, SSC, MINISTERY OF AFFAIRS & ETC. The SSC department commonly known as Staff Selection Commission conducted the exam every year.   So many students/candidates apply for this vacancy. They wait every year for this job and filled the form to grab this opportunity.   Although, the SSC department gives the notification all over India and the waited candidates fill out the online application form.  The departments also give information on application submission and the last date of submission.  They also write the requirements for this post.    They require full detail of your background, family, previous job, and qualification.  Firstly you need to read full notification pages and guidelines of examination and timing. Then fill out the online application form with the full details.   This exam is mostly based on CBT (computer-based test) candidates needs to have full knowledge of computer and how to work on it.  

How to stenography work?

As we can understand how stenography works and how stenographers make sense.   Stenographer writes a word by their shorthand and should have time at least 45 minutes to type in the same word.   There have many different theories, rules, and approaches to stenography.   Stenographer often uses their system and abbreviation to understand.   They use phrases for legal documents and instead of typing them, they write a sentence with symbols they can understand.   For example, standard phrases such as "May it pleases the court" or "Objection overruled" are used in almost every proceeding. The court reporter may have his distinctive symbols for this whole phrase to save himself some more time.

what is the course of stenography?

       Learning to stenography course duration is 6 months to 1 year. Whose concentrate their study properly they will take only 1 year.      After doing the course in shorthand and typing one can apply for the job.      In shorthand, course typing is most vital to candidates who want to become a stenographer or want a government job.     In that writing and listening skill is also necessary.     Although, typing is mandatory with shorthand because how do we understand what is the stenographer has written in shorthand. Hence, the stenographer transcribed shorthand in our natural language means English. After that, they type the shorthand for our understanding.     For Students/Candidates, the SSC Stenography course is divided into three parts.      1. Reasoning       2. English Language & Comprehension and,      3. General Knowledge.     In this course when you give your 100% you will become smart. So, if you learning from the internet or any institute, you have to consider this re

How many types of stenography and what are the skills of stenography?

       Stenography Has Four Types:-      1. Text stenography,       2. Video stenography,       3. Audio stenography,       4. Image stenography.        As I will teach you in future text, video & audio stenography.        Steno-typist needs to have some skills and good understanding. This Stenographer has an individual personality they face multiple roles in it.        His/hers they have to good verbose vocabulary. if you like this job role you can make your plan of education awesome and you can do your duties/responsibilities of this job role very well.        The stenographer's role does typing and write the dictation in shorthand. Writing the documents compile office files, keeping careful record of files and office material and other documents.   Writing the documents compile office files, keeping careful record of files and office material and other documents.        Arranging the meetings and maintaining the confidentiality of all files, maintaining a

Is Stenography still used in court?

       Yes, it is still used in court because it is a hidden and coding symbolic language.   In a courtroom, the judge gives a statement and the stenographer writes a dictation and then types it on a computer system for court it is a legal skill language.      As we all know in court so many crucial cases come handled.      In the courtroom when the judge speaks, we need to write very quickly in shorthand for giving a report.     All of India and other countries there are still use stenography and report the speech in it.    Court stenographers and reporters are people who have trained to type and write shorthand.   They prepare the documents very quickly. There is a requirement of 180 wpm speed.


      Yes, the stenography is still in use because it’s not outdated.     I know you all have curious thinking regarding stenography where it came from and still use or not.     Students stenography was ancient from 450bc, its name was cuneiform. this language was similar to Egyptian languages like images languages.     Although, the Chinese reinvented that and change the name from cuneiform into shorthand.     Chinese culture was the first to adopt a concise language for court reporting.     Rome and Greece have adopted this language in different ways. Rome adopted shorthand for its legal system as well and Greece picked up for the trend.     Stenography is a hidden language that is supported in both types of the Government sector. The first is National Security and the second is a ministry of affairs.     This is a legal skill language it is also used in the courtroom and it enhances privacy individually.     It is used in the business private sector, medical, journalism, government

How to understand Stenography?

       When we read, learn, and write steno, we can understand. Because it is not so easy or hard it's a little bit complicated.      If you are learning and practicing every day for at least 2 hours. Do sentence practice 10-20 times till then you don't understand.        Whenever you understand the Stenography you will feel light that and do reading with interest and enjoying their study.      Stenography is not so complicated. But it is a little obscure skill language. Do Work hard and see beyond your expectations.        If you want to do a good job so stenography job is the best option for all curious people.           Don't feel enmeshed in it & don't be forced to study.      If you want to a make great Stenographer then do willingly. Go with your flow of study.  

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